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Many people are not aware of the role that research plays in daily life. Fortunately, research continues and advances are made. Most autism research advances are directly linked to the willingness of individuals and their families to volunteer. By volunteering for studies, families help contribute to advances that may include earlier detection, more accurate diagnosis and new treatments based on evolving scientific advances in autism research.

The objectives of the Center for Excellence in Autism Research (CeFAR) at the University of Pittsburgh are to enhance the understanding of the earliest symptoms of autism and to explain the primary mechanisms that cause the cognitive and behavioral expressions of autism. This center, established in 1997, investigates how people with autism think, how the brain looks and works, and how genes can make people susceptible to autism.  More recently this center has focused on interventions for autistic individuals from early childhood through adulthood. A better understanding of these issues lead our center to the development of new treatments and to the identification of the most effective goals for new interventions. We thank all families and individuals that support our research.